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The Best of Drugs and Bitches.

Image via FFFFOUND.

So the blog’s taken it down a notch over the past two weeks. Never fear I ain't going nowhere. Just been kinda sick and stayin' in to enjoy fall television. But I promise, over the next few days I will be taking this to a whole new level.

I have also been redesigning the look of the blog once again. It seems like there's a problem with leaving it alone. I am always tinkering with its appearance. It’s prolly cause I read it so often that I’m always trying to make sure that it’s visibly appeasable. I read the blog sometimes like somebody else wrote it. Now, isn’t that weird? But some of the shit on here is like so fucking funny. ‘Naw means?

Another reason that the blog's been really thin lately is because I wasn't too sure of the direction I wanted the blog to take or if I wanted the blog to have any direction at all. I mean, I did call it “Does it look like I give a fuck?” for a reason. I called it that so could write about anything without; you guessed it, giving a fuck. Therefore, I have decided to keep it just the way it is.

What is this really about?

"It is just about Parties, Fun and Frolics...dare I call it Hedonistic.
And the blatant honesty needs a ray of shine...read his declaration: -


A Conditioning from an Alternate Direction" - Fats Shariff

Now there is a man who totally gets it.

Well to be honest, most people who I have gotten to meet that say they read the blog really get it too. It's not like it's hidden in there within all its other content or anything. It is right there always looking you in the face. LIFE IS THE PARTY.

My life is my party. Really & Truly. I live it like one its just one crazy nite. Maybe it’s wrong the live this way. But I'm still having way too much fun to stop. Does it even have to stop? I know this isn’t for everyone. People need to do other things, much more important things. But what if my purpose is exactly this. To help those who lead such busy lives chill out for a minute.

What if I can use my influences to help people to lose their shit?

It is not forever, mind you. I wouldn’t wanna be stuck with a whole lotta people doin’ nothing. But just for a the night.

I’ll keep writing this thing and we’ll all find out.

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